Adam S. Weissman PhD
Founder & Executive Director, The Child & Family Institute
CFI is an integrated behavioral health program specializing in OCD, anxiety, and related disorders in children, adolescents, young adults, and their families. Our services include individual, group, and family CBT, comprehensive neuropsychological assessment, clinical psychopharmacology/medication management, OT, speech therapy, and nutritional counseling. My program has worked with well over 100 children and adults with OCD.
The Child & Family Institute (CFI) specializes in the treatment of all emotional (e.g., anxiety/mood) behavior (e.g., ADHD, disruptive behavior), and habit (e.g., tic, trich) disorders in children, adolescents, and young adults.
As the Director of CFI, I have over 12 years of extensive training and experience (both clinical and supervisory) treating OCD and related disorders (both intensive and non-intensive treatment formats) in children and adults at various institutions including Harvard University, Judge Baker Children’s Center/Harvard Medical School, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Rutgers, Columbia, Yeshiva, NYU-Bellevue, The Institute for Behavior Therapy, and The Child & Family Institute.
Race/ethnicity: White, Caucasian, or European American
The Child & Family Institute serves a diverse cultural and demographic population, including our new LGBTQ+ program at our Westchester, Manhattan, and Brooklyn locations. Please see the About Our Director/About Our Faculty pages at our website: for more information about experience around cultural competency and working with diverse populations.