Annie Merel LCPC

531 Appletree Lane
Deerfield, Illinois 60015
ADA Accessible
Phone: 8479719662
Narrative of Services:

The owner of my practice specializes in OCD so many of our referrals are OCD related cases. My caseload at the moment is 95% OCD related disorders. I regularly use the YBOCS and practice ERP and CBT. Over the last 5 years I have seen over 75 clients with OCD. I also participate in group consultation for OCD clients and offer support to clinicians just starting to work in this field.

Training Description:

I did the Intensive Post Graduate Training offered by IOCDF in January of 2020. After that I worked with an OCD specialist in my area for supervision and case consult. He is affiliated with IOCDF and offers CEU events on ERP and OCD treatment. I attended many of those events and just recently completed another 10 week course with him. I have been treating OCD clients now for almost 5 years.

Diversity Statement:

I work with different religious backgrounds given that our area has a significant religious diversity. I have done a lot of work with the Orthodox and conservative jewish population with OCD and Scrupulosity. Additionally, we have a LGBTQIA demographic in our area and I regularly work with gay and lesbian populations.

In my doctoral program we had extensive Diversity training coursework of 3 classes throughout a full year. These classes were specific to diversity and cultural awareness. Additionally, most of our classes were required to incorporate diversity training and cultural competency within the topic and psychopathology.
Furthermore, I have completed the required continuing education hours on cultural competency required by my license renewal every other year.