Hiroaki Harai MD



Nagoya Mental Clinic, Tsubaki-Machi Nakamura-Ku
Imon Nagoya Building, 6th Floor
Nagoya, Japan 4530015
Narrative of Services:

Nagoya Mental Clinic is an office based psychiatric clinic, conveniently located in the center of Japan. The clinic offers a comprehensive and intensive behavior therapy program for OCD and related disorders. It accommodates a dozen new referrals a month from all over Japan. During summer vacation it offers a special program for school children. The recent outcome data shows that 80% of patients achieve recovery status (over 50% reduction of Y-BOCS ratings) within two months from the intake. It also offers home visits or skill trainings for special populations, i.e. primary obsessional slowness, or comorbidity with developmental disorders.

Training Description:

Dr. Harai, a psychiatrist and a behavior therapist, has been treating OCD and OC related disorders for 2 decades. He is recognized as an expert behavior therapist in Japan and a board member of the Japanese Association of Behavior Therapy. Currently, he is a director of Nagoya Mental Clinic. He learned behavior therapy at Hizen National Mental Hospital in 1987. He attended a workshop for OCD in 1988, and was trained as a trainer of Motivational Interviewing (MI) in Crete in June 2003, and is now a member of the Motivational Interview Network of Trainers (MINT).