Samuel Babcock LPC
I offer telehealth services throughout the state of Colorado for with a primary focus on OCD-related disorders and Tic Disorders (Tourette’s), which account for over 90% of my practice. I also accept clients with Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRB’s), phobias and co-occurring disorders, particularly trauma and depression.
In addition to listed specialities, I also work with other co-occurring diagnoses/concerns, such as: Trauma/PTSD, Depression, other Anxiety disorders. Treatment typically begins with ERP for OCD symptoms and preparation for EMDR treatment for PTSD, or other treatment approaches as appropriate depending on concern.
I have been treating OCD since 2017 and completed the Pediatric BTTI for ERP in 2021. I have completed several workshops and additional training since that time. I completed training in CBIT for Tics/Tourette’s in February 2023.
If you are looking for a therapist for OCD or tic disorders, you are welcome with me. I am happy to work with people from all diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and identities.
I have some unique experience working with those who follow strict religious practices, or who previously followed such practices, as they work through OCD symptoms while living the values they desire.