Alison Mentatti PhD
Clinical Psychologist, Center for OCD and Anxiety-Related Disorders (COARD); COARD Intensive Outpatient Program Manager
1129 Macklind Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri 63110
Phone: 314-881-3430
Narrative of Services:
Center for OCD and Anxiety-Related Disorders (COARD) at St. Louis Behavioral Medicine Institute is a multidisciplinary program for the study and treatment of OCD and related disorders. Treatments include internet and telephone consultation, cognitive behavioral therapy (with exposure and response prevention), family counseling, medication, and special services for treatment-resistance. Levels of care include professional assistance for self-directed recovery, standard outpatient services, an intensive outpatient program, a day program, and home visits.
Facilities accessible by clients of all mobility levels (ADA accessible): Yes
Training Description:
Dr. Menatti received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Ohio University in 2016, and completed two years of postdoctoral specialty training at Saint Louis Behavioral Medicine Institute in the Center for OCD and Anxiety-related Disorders (COARD) program. Since that time, Dr. Menatti has provided outpatient and Intensive outpatient levels of clinical care, and also provides administrative management of the COARD intensive outpatient program.